PLEASE NOTE: As of September 2020, clothing and grocery services are by appointment only on Mondays through Fridays. To schedule an appointment, call 713-343-3061 and leave a message.
As you read about the programs below, please pay special attention to the required documents to present at the time of service.
PLEASE NOTE: As of September 2020, grocery services are by appointment only on Mondays through Fridays. To schedule an appointment, call 713-343-3061 and leave a message.
The grocery program provides approximately two (2) sacks of groceries per family member. We serve all families regardless of employment status. Groceries may include canned meat, beans, vegetables, rice, milk, soup, tomato sauce, pasta, and baked goods such as bread and pastries. Some non-food items such as laundry detergent, toilet paper, and bar soap are also provided. Pantry items included are based upon availability.
1. Current photo ID
2. Proof of residence (rental lease, water, light or gas bill in your name)
3. Birth certificates for children 18 or younger
4. May return every 60 days (must have an appointment)
5. Must meet federal poverty guidelines
6. Open 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

PLEASE NOTE: As of September 2020, clothing center operations are by appointment only on Mondays through Fridays. To schedule an appointment, call 713-343-3061 and leave a message.
Our Clothing Center provides clothing for men, women and children. Each individual and family member is eligible for up to 2 outfits, shoes (when available), toiletries and underwear. Our clothing options are limited, and sometimes we may not have certain items like men’s shoes or belts.
1. Current photo ID
2. Birth certificates for children 18 or younger
3. May return every 2 months (must have an appointment)
4. Open 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.